Wednesday, June 22, 2011

dreaming in color...

I have been dreaming a lot lately. Maybe that is why all my girls seem to have rainbow hair....
I am not really sure why this image keeps coming to me, but lately I have just been painting or drawing what comes out. I figure this is the best way to get to what it is that I want to say. I just have decided to encourage my voice to emerge in its own due time....anyway, here she is and i must say, that is a good hair day!! xokp


  1. dreamy to be sure!
    color swirl dance hug!

  2. Your dreams must be beautiful!!

  3. This is Amazing ... I just read your profile and it seems we have alot in common - Movies, Music etc ... Glad we connected!

  4. Thank you all for your words...they mean a lot to me and fill my day with rainbows!!

  5. oh I so want hair like that! could you please dream me that way? :)

  6. That's what I'd call a superb hair day! Well done. Stunning colors!!!


I thank you from the bottom of my art for leaving a comment!